DaVinci Resolve 18
Except for taking photos during trips, many people tend to shoot videos using their smartphones. After shooting videos, editing videos becomes necessary.
There is much video editing software can edit travel videos. Professional video editing software can improve the editing results.
DaVinci Resolve is one of the best video editing software in the world. Many Hollywood films are edited using DaVinci Resolve. Usually, these types of software are not free, but the good thing is that there is a free edition available for video editors to use.
The free edition is called DaVinci Resolve, the paid edition is called DaVinci Resolve Studio. There are so many functions that are sufficient for many types of video editing in the free edition.
The free edition can be downloaded from Blackmagic Design official website.
Some useful video editing tips for DaVinci Resolve can help speed up the editing process and save time. Here are the tips:
How to add transitions
Some people may have problems when adding a transition between two video clips. One main problem is that there is no way to add a transition directly across two videos. The reason is that each video clip needs to be trimmed a bit in order to have an overlapping part between these two video clips for a smooth transition.
One can manually trim the video clips a bit on each side and then you can add a transition on them.
The easier way is to add transitions automatically to all video clips and then edit each transition the way you want. The steps are as follows:
Step 1
Ctrl+A: select all video clips
(Note: Cmd +A for Mac)
Step 2
Alt+T in order to add transitions. But at this moment, a dialog window jumps out to ask what you would like to do. You can select “Trim Clips”
(Note: Option+T for Mac)
Step 3
After you press the button, the transitions are added between each video clip automatically.
Note: The default added transition is cross dissolve, but you can click on the transitions and modify them as desired.
Useful Hotkeys
Hot keys can save us a lot of time and effort during editing. These hot keys are helpful for speeding up editing.
I: Set mark in (starting point of the video clip)
O: Set mark out (ending point of the video clip)
Ctl + B: split video clips (Note: Cmd + B for Mac)
Shift + Z: Zoom in/out to fit all video clips perfectly in the edit area
Alt + mouse wheel:Zoom in/out on video clips (Note: Option + mouse wheel for Mac)
Shift + mouse wheel: roll video clips
L: Video Play forward
J: Video Play backward
K: Stop video play
Down arrow: Next clip
Up arrow: Previous clip
Reset to the default layout
Sometimes we can mess up the layout, it’s easy to set to default layout simply by pressing “Reset UI Layout” under the workspace. Then you can get everything back to the original layout.
How to change video speed
Changing speed is very useful and helpful to create creative videos.
There are two ways to change speed.
The first way
Step 1
Click on the video clip that you want to change the speed of.
Step 2
Right click on the clip and then choose the “change clip speed” option from the context menu
Step 3
For example, you can change the speed from 100% to 80%. You will notice that the “frames per second” also changes from 30 to 24 accordingly.
“Speed” and “frames per second” are correspond simultaneously. That is, if you change the “frames per second”, you can also change the speed.
For the “key frames” option, you can choose “stretch to fit” to adjust the length of the video. Then you can click “change”.
The second way
Step 1
The same as in the first way, you just need to click on the video clip that you want to change the speed of.
Step 2
Click on the “Inspector”
Step 3
Click on the “Video” and then click on the “Speed Change”
Step 4
You can drag the button to get the correct number you want. Or you can simply input a speed number (or “frames per second”) by double click on the number box.
How to install LUTs
LUTs are like magic filters to give another style to your videos. It’s a great way to color grade your video in a simple way.
Step 1
Under “File”, you can click on the “Project Settings” option.
Step 2
On the opened panel, click “Color Management”, then click the “Open LUT Folder” near the bottom.
After you open the LUT Folder, you can simply drag your LUTs into the folder.
Next, click “color” at the bottom to go to the color page. If you click on the LUTs tab, you should find the LUT that you just installed. If not, you can “Refresh” it by right-click on the LUT browser.
Author: Hua